
OEB Law, PLLC represents plaintiffs in car accident cases throughout Tennessee. Our lawyers provide diligent services and can see your case through every step of the claims process to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. We know that dealing with the aftermath of an auto accident is never easy, and we are here to help you organize, address, and resolve all points of contention in your case.

As auto accident lawyers in Knoxville, we have defended countless victims in a wide range of cases. We have a thorough understanding of Tennessee law and know the dangers of local roads and highways that attorneys from different areas simply are not aware of. We can fight for your rights if you have been injured in a:

Whether your collision was caused by an inattentive driver, poor road conditions, or equipment failure, we can establish liability, assess your damages, and take legal action to hold at-fault parties responsible for your injuries. OEB Law, PLLC is your number one Knoxville car wreck attorney.

Taking Prompt Action on Your Behalf

It is vital you consult an attorney as soon as possible if you have been injured in a car accident — Tennessee’s statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim is just one year from the date or discovery of your injuries. Our law firm acts quickly to gather evidence for your case, speak to medical experts to determine the short- and long-term impact of your accident, and set the wheels in motion for processing your claim. We examine every facet of your case, present you with all available options, and help you determine which avenue is your best route for achieving maximum recovery. We are not afraid to go to court if the other party is unwilling to justly compensate you.

Let Our Car Accident Lawyers in Tennessee Turn Your Wreck Into a Check

OEB Law, PLLC provides free initial consultations to all potential clients. We operate on a contingency fee basis — meaning you pay nothing for our services unless we achieve a favorable outcome for your claim — and keep flexible office hours to better suit your needs. No matter your location, we can come to you.

Contact our Knoxville, Tennessee, car accident attorneys online or at (865) 546-1111 to set up a meeting with a lawyer from our firm.